The scope of application
The series product is magnetic series and electromagetism series. Suited in installing on display-faceplate and large switch plate of various control system and distribution system to indicate relative parameter, such as AC, DC, Voltage, power synchronous volume, frequency, expended voltage and overload current etc. The product performance is accordance with GB7676-98standard.
Main technical parameter
Accuracy: Class1.5, 2.5; Service condition: -20~+50º C; Relative humidity: ≤85%; Resistance to pressure: When self-frequency constant value various is ± 15%, The error of indicationg volume isn't more than the basic error; Machinery function: It can bear 30m/sencond, acceleration pounding frequeney of 80 to 120times per minute, and two hours tansport jolt; Operating positon: Vertical direction.