"Fujian Tulou Art Painting"belong to landscape style. We’s listed 47 pictures about this subjects on our website for client to choose. Please take more attention on our website if you are interested on this style, since we will update our website regually and add more pictures.
Fujian Tulou is a unique Chinese rammed earth building of the Hakka and other people in the mountainous areas in southwestern Fujian, China. They are mostly built between the 12th to the 20th centuries. Tulou is usually a large enclosed building, rectangular or circular in configuration, with a very thick weight supporting earth wall (up to 6 feet thick) and wooden skeletons, from three to five storeys high, housing up to 80 families. These earth buildings usually have only one main gate, guarded by 4-5 inch thick wooden doors reinforced with an outer shell of iron plate. The top level of these earth building have gun holes for defense against bandits.
Our features of "Fujian Tulou Art Painting":
1) All of our "Fujian Tulou Art Painting" are all taken from the view of famous tourist restore "Fujian Tulou", one of the "World Heritage Site".
2) 100% handmade on canvas by our professional artists without any machinery.
3) Vivid color, strong effective decoration, fadeless after finishing.
4) Any sizes are available.
5) No minimum order limited, any quantities are welcom.
6) Competitive price.
7) Excellent service with timely delivery.
8) Suitable for decorating hotles, restaurants, cafe, hall or living room, etc, or as gifts.
Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in our products, and enjoy your life and business here.