Product Description
Welcome to wholesale a type keg coupler for beer dispense from us. We are one of the best a type keg coupler for beer dispense manufacturers and suppliers in China.A type keg coupler product information:As one of the most important components of a kegerator, a keg coupler acts as the "key" and the valve of the keg acts as the "lock." Without the coupler, you would have a difficult time getting the beer out of the keg. The coupler attaches to the valve and the CO2 line, allowing the compressed air into the keg.There are different types of keg couplers that go with different styles of beer; or more specifically, where that beer was kegged at.For example, the vast majority of American beer (domestic keg valves) will use the American Sankey "D" System coupler, whereas the "A" coupler will fit most German keg valves.To ensure that you are using the right coupler, we have assembled the following chart of the most popular beers and the type of coupler they need. If you don't your beer on the list, please leave me a comment down below and I can add it to the list. ii)Types of keg coupler D Coupler — Fits U.S. Sankey Keg ValvesA Coupler — Fits Most German Keg ValvesG Coupler — Fits Some European Keg ValvesM Coupler — Fits Some German Keg ValvesS Coupler — Fits European Sankey Keg ValvesU Coupler — Fits Some European Keg Valves