Product Description
Pump-over Fermentation TankPump-over fermentation tank is primarily intended for maceration of grape pomace,Website:, but it also can be used as a classic wine storage tank. The circulation pipe and spray ball enable the must be pumped over the cap, which helps the maceration. Slope bottom provides an easy discharge of liquid. The large rectangular manhole makes the emptying and cleaning of tank interior easy and simply. Cooling jacket is for controlling the fermenting temperature perfectly.Configurations: Cylindrical shell Conical top Slope bottom 4 legs, Adjustable feet Top round manhole Side rectangular manhole Dimple cooling jacket (cooling coil) Glycol water inlet& outlet male threaded Pump-over system Filtering grid Drain outlet with 90 elbow Thermometer Breathing valve Sampling valve Level gauge CIP system Butterfly valve& tri clamps Lifting lugsCapacity: kl
VShell dimension: mm
DTotal height: mm
NCooling area
m2WF1920*1500218031.4WF21270*1610260032.2WF31500*1830300043WF41600*2000325044WF51600*2440365045WF61800*2440350045.5WF81820*3050465047WF101900*3660505048.5WF121900*42705750410WF152000*48805950412WF20 2300*48806100414WF252600*48806050415WF302600*550065504/618WF402900*610074004/622WF50 3200*61007600625WF603300*70007830630WF803800*7320830036WF1004000*8540950050WF1504700*8820996072WF2005200*97501085082WF2505500*1050011650100WF3006000*1060011900135Capacity and dimension can be specified by the customers.