Variable Size Droplet Technology(VSDT)
Water base Dye,Pigment,Eco-Solvent

Epson DX5 Micro-Piezo print-head 1 head 1440 nozzle
YMCK,KCMY special alinement Technology to Avoid the step Pass banding
Same color cover when Bi-direction printing

Special Gradual Feather function and Waveform

T jet use the multi-wave driver technology to Control the piezo transform exactly, during the printing The ink drop volume
can be change from 1.5PL to 21PL by the 2 bit Rip software.The variable size droplet technology (VSDT) is the most important
technology for the Epson head controller. VSDT ensure the high resolution and high speed for the photo printing
Head number : 1 Epson DX5 head 180*8 1440 nozzle
Color : Double (Y M C K,K C M Y)
Table Width : 1720 mm
Print Width : 1600 mm
Speed : 2 PASS 32 SQM/hour
4 PASS 17 SQM/hour
6 PASS 12 SQM/hour
8 PASS 9 SQM/hour
INK : Water base DYE,PIGMENT,ECO-SOLVENT,Sublimation INK
Software : Maintop5.3 ,TJET printing system
Interface : USB 2.0
Dry : Front heating,Fan cooler
Gross weight: 240KG