Graphite Teflon Gasket is made by cutting Graphite Teflon stick, pipe and sheet into flat shape Graphite Teflon Gasket, v shape Graphite Teflon Gasket or valve annulus Graphite Teflon Gasket.Graphite Teflon Gasket was reinforced by graphite.The compounding of graphite strengthen the stability of PTFE.PTFE Gasket can bear the most bitter chemical medium, and PTFE gasket has good anti-creeping performance.PTFE gasket is a replacement of asbestos. PTFE gasket is anti-creeping, anti-cold-flow, anti-low-temerature. PTFE gasket has no pollution. Graphite Teflon Gasket can also be reinforced with glass fibre and othe material.We have PTFE gasket reinforced with glass fibre,graphite PTFE gasket,reformative PTFE gasket,PTFE envelope gasket,ect.