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Nestle Nido Milk Available

Company Profile

Location: Turkey
Business Type: Trading Company, Distributor/Wholesaler

Product Description

Available grade A NIDO NESTLE baby formula for sale to home and foreign markets feel free to contact us for more information RED CAP AND TRANSPARENT CAP 



Typical Chemical and Physical Analysis

Moisture3.0 % maxAS2300.1.1 1988
Fat28.0% minAS2300.1.3 1988
Acidity0.14 % maxADPI916 1990
Ash5.0 - 6.0%AS2300.1.5 1988
Lactose39.0% typeCaculated
Lechithin00:20% typeNIRO 22a
Insolubility Index0.5 ml maxAS2300.4.4 1994
Scorched particlesDisc A/ 32.5gm maxAS2300.4.5 1994
Bulk Density0.44 - 0.50 g/mlAS2300.4.3 1994
Flavour & OdourGoodAS2300.4.2 1994
Appearance & colourNormalAS2300.4.2 1994
Wettability10 sec maxIDF 87 1979
Dispersibility (20 secs)80% minIDF 87 1979
Vitamin A2350-3650 IUNZ MAF (WOOLARD)
Vitamin D300 IU minAOAC 981.17 1990
Phosphatase<2 ug p'n-phen/mlAS2300.1.10 1988
Inhibitory substances<0.003 ug / mlAS1766.3.11 1991
Typical Microbiological Analysis
Standard Plate Count10,000 / g maxAS1766.2.1 1991
ColiformsNot detected / gAS1766.2.3 1992
Yeasts & Moulds10 / g maxAS1766.2.2 1994
Coagulase positive StaphNot detected / gPSL 2.1
SalmonellaNot detected / 1500gPAGE 1
Nutrition Information
Energy303 kj/100ml
Sodium47 mg/100ml

CONTACT:  abbaytradings2015 (at) gmail (dot) com

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