Dear Client,
We currently have a stock of Heineken Beer available at competitive prices with below details.
Heineken Beer .
Product : Heineken Beer 250ml, 330ml & 500ml
Origin: Holland
Heineken Beer 250ml Bottle
Heineken Beer 330ml Bottle
Heineken Beer 330ml Cans
Heineken Beer 500ml Cans
Heineken Beer 24x250ml Bottles. 1x40ft. fcl = 26 pallets x 91 cartons x
24 cans of 250ml. standard load of 2366 cases per 40ft. dry
container. bbd about 14 months.
Heineken Beer 24x330ml Bottles. 22 pallets x 84 cartons x 24bottles of
330ml. maximum load of 1848 cartons per 40ft. dry container. bbd
about 14 months.
Heineken Beer Cans 24x330ml. 23 pallets x 120 trays x 24 cansof 330ml.
maximum load of 2760 trays per 40ft. dry container. bbd about 12
months. international text.
Heineken Beer 24x500ml Cans. 20 pallets x 90 trays x 24 cans of 500ml.
maximum load of 1800 cases per 40ft. dry container. bbd about 12
months. international text.
Get to us now with your order for immediate supplies.