Product Description
One side of the travel knob is made up of high strength magnetic materials. It is mainly used in the door of children's room and cupboard, and also can be used in the door of ordinary furniture.
It can provide children from the accidental injuryaroused by theprotuberant knob. The door can opens safely by the trip knob.
Except for this, the knob has much more purpose suchas protecting the door of the cabinet.
Operation guide:
Fix the studs on the door of the children's room or cupboard (there
are 3 long studs and 3 short studs, for different thickness doors).
When you leave the house, you can put the travel knob in your bag or
other safely place. When you want to open the door, you can put the
magnetic side of the knob on the studs fixed on the door gently,
then the door will opened easily.