Bamboo Charcoal is produced from the rapidly growing moso bamboo. This type of bamboo can grow two feet or more in a single day, reaching a height of 60 feet in two to three months.
Due to the growth characteristics of moso bamboo, millions of tiny holes are created as the plant densifies as it matures, a process taking approximately five years. It is these tiny holes that ultimately give the resulting bamboo charcoal its revolutionary abilities as both a deodorizer and dehumidifier. These benefits have been enjoyed for more than five centuries in Asia.
Bamboo forests are widely planted throughout Asia, and due to the resurgence in the recognition of its benefits, many more acres are planted every day. And as bamboo takes only five years from seedling to mature plant, it will be readily available for all future generations.
With proper care, your bamboo charcoal product can last up to one year. After this, and because it is a 100% natural product, it can be recycled into the ecosystem.