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Professional Electronic Measuring Device Digital Handheld Oscilloscope / Multimeter HHantek DSO1062B

Place of Origin: Zhejiang

Company Profile

Location: Shenzhen, Guangdong, China (Mainland)
Business Type: Manufacturer
Main Products: NDT Instruments, Environmental Testing Equipment

Product Detail

Model No.: dso1062BV

Product Description

New Hantek DSO1062BV Digital Handheld 60MHz 1Gsa/S 2 Channels Oscilloscope /Multimeter 60MHz 1Gsa/S 2 Channels


Isolated level: 1000V CATII, 600V CATIII.

High Bandwidth 60MHz Oscilloscope, 1GSa/s sample rate, 6000 Counts DMM with analog bargraph and data recorder.

1M Memory Depth.

High Refresh Rate (2500 frames).

Large 5.6 inch TFT Color Display,  High Resolution(640*480), Dual-Window Design --More clear, More detailed.

One-touch automatic setup optimizes the position, range, timebase, and triggering to assure a stable display of virtually any waveform.

Easy-to-use pop-up menu with built-in multi-language help system.

32 Automatic Measurements.

Waveform Math: Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide.

Store and recall over.

Automatic cursor tracking measurements.

XY Mode.

Built-in FFT function converts a time-domain signal into its frequency components to measure harmonic content and distortion in systems.

Waveform Recorder to capture/replay input waveforms from CH1 and CH2 with a maximum record length of 1000 frames.

Pass-Fail function compares a stored waveform to an unknown input.

Average Mode for smoothing waveforms.

Square Wave Output (2V, 1kHz) for probe adjustment.

USB Host/Device 2.0 full-speed interface, support removeable disk, LAN Option, easy to control by PC or long-distance.

Dimensions (mm):240(L)x165(W)x50(H), be carried easily.

2.Hardware Specifications



Bandwidth 60MHz
Channel 2
Real-Sample Rate 1GSa/s
Equivalent Sample Rate 25GSa/s
Record Length 1M
Rish time ≤5.8ns
Timebase Accuracy ±50ppm
Time Base Range 4ns/div-2ks/div
Input Impandance  1MΩ
VOLTS/DIV Range 2mV/div5V/div
A/D Converter 8bit 
Position Range ±50V(5V/div), ±40V(2V/div500mV/div), 
±2V(200mV/div50mV/div), ±400mV(20mV/div2mV/div);
DC Gain Accuracy ±3% for Normal or Average acquisition mode, 5V/div to 10mV/div;
±4% for Normal or Average acquisition mode, 5mV/div to 2mV/div
Bandwidth Limit 20MHz
Trigger Types Edge, Video, Pulse, Slope, Over time, Alternative
Trigger Source CH1, CH2,
Math +,-,x,÷,FFT, Invert
Cursor Measurement Voltage difference between cursors: V;
Time difference between cursors: T;
Reciprocal of T in Hertz (1/ΔT);
Auto Measuerment Frequency, Period, Mean, Pk-Pk, Cycli RMS, Minimum, Maximum, Rise time, Fall Time, +Pulse Width, -Pulse Width, Delay1-2Rise, Delay1-2Fall, +Duty, -Duty, Vbase, Vtop, Vmid, Vamp, Overshoot, Preshoot, Preiod Mean, Preiod RMS, FOVShoot, RPREShoot, BWIDTH, FRF, FFR, LRR, LRF, LFR, LFF
The float voltage between BNC and Ground  600V CATIII, 1000V CAT II
The float voltage between each Channel 600V CATIII, 1000V CAT II
The float voltage between Multimeter and Ground 1000V 
The float voltage between input Ports directly 400V CAT II 
Input by 10:1 probe 600V CATIII, 1000V CAT II
DMM Max. Resolution 6,000 Counts
Testing Modes Voltage, Current, Resistance, Capacitance, Diode & Continuity
Max. Input Voltage AC: 600V, DC: 800V
Max. Input Current AC:10A , DC: 10A
Max. Input Impandance 10MΩ 
Display 5.6"TFT 16K Color Display, 640*480 dots
Size 245mm x 163mm x 52mm
Weight 1.3KG(Without Package)
Standard Probe PP80x2


Function Picture




If connect to computer, it can be used as a virtual os

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