Details:The g-Spout is a remov-able spout/strainer that eas-ily attaches to a skil-let, dou-ble boiler, bowl or can. Made of high tem-per-a-ture food grade sil-i-cone, the g-Spout is microwave and dish-washer safe.
The g-Spout was orig-i-nally devel-oped to encour-age the envi-ron-men-tally respon-si-ble dis-posal of cook-ing grease and oil, and to help elim-i-nate clogged drains and sew-ers. But, the g-Spout has become so much more! Cus-tomers are sug-gest-ing new uses almost every day! It's great for mak-ing cup-cakes, muffins, and pan-cakes with-out drips or baked on bat-ter; driz-zling choco-late, and caramel from a dou-ble boiler; pour-ing paint back into bot-tles; strain-ing fruit salad, veg-eta-bles or rice; pour-ing sugar, salt or cof-fee; and of course, strain-ing hot bacon or ham-burger grease into dis-pos-able containers.