General Description
The CY801 is a single chip ASK/OOK (ON-OFF Keyed) RF receiver IC. This device is a true "antenna-in to data-out" monolithic device. All RF and IF tuning are accomplished automatically within its side, which eliminates manual tuning and reduces production cost. All IF filtering and post-detection (demodulator) data filtering is provided within the IC side, so no external filters are necessary. One of four demodulator filter bandwidths may be selected externally by the user. The result is a highly reliable yet low cost solution. The device with a set of easily determined values, based upon data rate, code modulation format, and desired duty-cycle operation.
The CY801 offer two modes of operation: fixed-mode (FIX) and sweep-mode (SWP), In sweep mode the CY801 sweeps a wider RF spectrum. Fixed-mode provides better selectivity and sensitivity performance and sweep mode enables the CY801 to be used with low cost, imprecise
Frequency from 300MHz to 440MHz
Voltage: 3.3V-5.5V
Sensitivity: -106 dBm sensitivity, 1kbps and BER 10E-02
Data-rate up to 8kbps (fixed-mode)
Low Power Consumption
2.7mA fully operational (315MHz)
3.7mA fully operational (433MHz)
0.9μA in shutdown
250μA in polled operation (10:1 duty-cycle)
Very low RF re-radiation at the antenna
Highly integrated with extremely low external part count