Tuning fork online density gaugeis determined directly from the resonant frequency of the tuning fork immersed in the
fluid. A temperature sensor (RTD) is also fitted within the transmitter to indicate the operating
a short-stem or long-stem version
The long-stem version can come in lengths up to 13 ft (4 m). The long-stem version is ideally
suited to open tank and closed tank applications.
a frequency output version (7826 meter only) or an Advanced electronics version.
The moho meter with frequency output outputs the density measurement as a square wave
signal, and features a RTD to output the operating temperature measurement. It is typically
used with a signal converter, such as the 795x Series, and offers a powerful tool in critical
density applications.
The moho meter with Advanced electronics incorporates much of the 795x signal
converter functionality, such that online density calculations are performed locally within the
electronics housing of the moho meter. It features two 420 mA outputs and
RS-485/Modbus communications, providing simple accessibility to all calculated values.
The MOHO meter is ideally suited to applications where continuous, real-time measurement of
density is required. For example, it can be used in process control where density is the primary
control parameter for the end product, or is an indicator of some other quality control parameter such as % solids, or % concentration.
The Advanced electronics version contains integral processing electronics to provide full in-situ
configuration, enabling it to perform a variety of calculations.
The MOHO MH5300-Z meter continuously measures the following fluid properties:
Line density (measured in kg/m3, g/cc, lb/gal, or lb/ft3)
Operating temperature (measured in C or F)
From these properties, the following are calculated:
API base density at 15 C, 1.013 bar (60 F, 14.5 psi)
Base density (by using the matrix referral method)
Specific gravity
Special function calculations such as Brix, Baume, Twaddle, % solids, etc.Trade Info