WFI strorage and distribution systems are custom designed to meet the specific requirements of your application. These systems can incorporate all of the monitoring equipment and control devices for the WFI distribution system into a compact skid which is assembled, integrated into a single PLC system, and tested at many pharmaceutical factory. Documentation for all components are also incorporated into a comprehensive turnover package.
Utilizing a system approach drastically reduces the time and cost required to assemble, start up, and validate the resulting system. These benefits are due to the ability to concurrently perform site work while fabricating the system , the ability to fully test the equipment , and associated with the extensive validation support package provided.
Major Products and Services:Stainless steel tube,pipe fitting,Diaphragm Valve,Centrifugal Pump,Stainless Steel Tank,Mixing tank,Fermention tank,water tank,milk tank,Storage tank,Pressure vessel,Sandwich Boiler,Heat Exchanger, Alcohol recovery tower,Titanium Rod Filter