IP44 new type dustrial coupler213N/223N
With the higher requirements of reliability and safety of industry electric,our company has invented a new set of socket and composite set of dustproof,waterproof and splashroof. There products are GB11918-11919-89 and industry plug, Socker and couple.
The products which widely used indoor or outdoor are used as industry plug, socket, cahle couples(celectric accessories).These may use at the rated voltage not higher than 660V, DC not higher than 440V, rated current not higher than 63A, and rated frequebcy lower than 50/60Hz, and the relative tempeture is-25°C~40°C. With no corrosive and exploding gas and condictive dust.
These products also have the advantages of dustproof ,waterproof, wrong inset proof, break proof, fire resistance, ther mostability, etc.The accessories should be made of HP-59-1 copper The products are new set of sockets with different colour cover which means use at different voltage and frequency, diameter and pole number.