Key Specifications/Special Features:
- It is specially designed for the users who need the large volume and special position Especially some place where does not like the siren to bother neighbors, we can take out of the siren and just only flash
- It must connect with electricity to supply the power with UPS power supply and support to give alarm siren warning, so to scare away the theft
- If electricity is shut off, the auto-rechargeable power supply can support the power and continue to hoot
- It can be controlled by the remote controller of alarm host
- For extra accessories customized, only remote controller, wireless flash siren, wireless siren horn, that if you want it, you must weld the security codes the welded joint in the PCB by welding tool
- Of course, other accessories you can play the jumping pins to preset the security code by hand or clicker normal package and DIY is no problem
- So, for order extra remote controller, wireless flash siren, horn, we usually dun weld the security code, just leave it blank, so you can weld it if customer need it, or change it
- If you cannot weld it by yourself by electric iron, please ask us to weld it before shipping
- The market is customization, we do not know how many accessories customer wanted for the remote controller is very small, so, it is designed as welding the security code for extra order
- As now you know, it is easy to weld the security code to compatible with the alarm host
- If you want the diagram to show how, please just tell us