KYN28A(GZS1) type indoors metal shell draw-out switch device (brief called switch device) is the complete electricity device of 3-10KV three-phase AC 50HZ single-generatrix partial turnoff system and mainly used to electricity distribution, electricity of twice transformer and the startup of large-scale electromotor for the use of control protection and examination. The switch device meets the standards of IEC298 and GB3906 and can avoid pull and push breaker handle car with charge , prevent miss-open/close breaker, prevent open/close breaker(the grounding switch is close), prevent miss-enter into partial room with electricity, prevent miss-close the interlock function of grounding switch with electricity. It is equipped with VS1(ZN63A) vacuum breaker or imported VD4 vacuum breaker of HS vacuum breaker of Fuji Electric machine.

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