6 stage
ro system with UV sterilizer

capacity | 75 GPD |
filter dimension | 10 inch |
Power | AC100~240V 50/60Hz |
Water temperature | 4~45(°C) |
Water supply pressure | 3.6~58(Psi) |
Pressure Tank | 3.0G(NSF) |
Pump | E-chen EC-101-75 |
RO membrane | VONTRONULP1812-75 |
Transformer | 24V2.0A |
The second stage is granular activated carbon
The third stage is 1.0 micron PP (CTO) filter
Thefourth stage is RO (reverseosmosis) membrane
The fifth stage ispostposition activated carbon (T33)
The sixth stage is stainles steel UV sterilizer
2. Auto-stop when no water or
pressure tank is full
3. Automatic and manual washing
ro membrane to extend the service life
4. Indicator showing the working status by 5 lamps.