PETPP glass fibre strap Production line
Fiber tapecan be used instead of steel, it has a lot of advantages over steel. Fiber tapetransport can absorb the vibration, thus ensuring the long-distance transport ofgoods with excellent impact resistance.
The graphshows the flexible polyester strapping steel strapping relative advantages.Shaded strapping can absorb before breaking in their impact energy.
In the caseof fiber does not break than steel
strapping band can absorb a greater amount ofimpact energy.
2.Applicabletemperature and climate
Fiber tapewill not rust, and can resist high temperatures (140-2000C can work normally).So fiber belt use is not affected by environmental influences.
Fibers withthe same length of the strip than the lightweight, easy to operate. Fibrous bandwelcomed by customers and users, because it does not draw hands. Use of steelfor packaging, it often will scratch the workers.
4 Environmentalprotection
5High efficiency
Fiber tapeused much more efficiently than steel, and less waste. Using fiber with nostorage capacity, safety considerations and other issues.
Use and removal ofsafety
Through highresistance and folding