Chemical composition: SiO2:58.28% Al2O3:23.11%? Na2O:13.94%? CaO:1.62% MgO:0.91%? Fe2O3:0.64%, and also including other impurity metal, such as, Cr, Ni and so on.
Shape: Fibrous in shape to cause the body intensivly, the original raw material takes the form of lump, hypo-raw material is mostly emerald stones.
Color: Colourless , white , green , jade green , yellowish green , brown and red , lilac , pinkish-purple, among them green for " cui " and " Fei " to be red. It is because that Emerald color all due to the impurity of metallic element, such as including Cr , Ni for green , including Fe as red.
Physical performance: Hardness: 6. 5-7, proportion 3. 25-3. 36, commonly as 3. 33, the body of emerald lump is dense and wilful , glass gloss, opacity and even semitransparently.
Producing form to be divided:
The material of new mountain: It is meaning that produced in the original rock or grown the emerald originally. Its material jadeite doesn't have rind or is called jadeite without epidermis .
New primary nephrite: Means that the emerald stones being removed to river valley and riverbed sand through machinery airslaking and flowing water. It's epidermis developing into different colors, such as, white, gray , yellow, brown and so on, or also being called " white sand cover " , " yellow sand cover " , " brown sand cover " ,etc.
Main producing area: Burma , Yunnan of China