Plant Origin: Angelica Keiskei
Part Used: Root
Specification: Xanthoangelol, 10:1
Appearance: Fine brown powder
Ashitaba is a plant which originates from japan where it i known as "tomorrow leaf" or Angelica Keiskei Koidzumi. In Indonesia, it is called Ashitaba. On the Japanese Hachi Jo island the plant is mainly consumed as a food supplement by old people who, according to reliable statistic, are rather healthy and enjoy long living. That is the reason ehy researchers became interested in this plant. They found out that its stem have a thick yellow juice containing Chalcones, which is unique to this strain of
angelica plant.Chalcones are rarely found anywhere in the natural world but are the key factor in ashitaba and responsible for many antioxidant functions. It helps to regulate cholesterol and blood sugar levels, strengthens the immune system and fixes the methabolism. The Ashitaba plant has high chlorophyll concentration, contains much Vitamine B12, other vitamines, minerals, protein and fibers.The chlorophyll ingredients can protect againts bacteria. It allows to produce more blood cells and of hormones. That can even lead to protection againts cancer.In the present study, it is examined the antitumor and antimetastatic activities of various fractions isolated from a 50% ethanol extract of A. keiskei roots. The ethyl acetate-soluble fraction of the 50% ethanol extract inhibited tumor growth in LLC-bearing mice at a daily dose of 100 mg/kg prolonged survival time and inhibited metastasis to the lung after surgical removal of primary tumors. Two active substances were isolated from fractions 1 and 2: compound 1 was identified as xanthoangelol based on the data of the (1)H- and (13)C-NMR spectra. The actions may participate in the documented pharmacological effect of this plant.