Theproduct uses ultrasonic sound technology to deter without harm a wide range ofanimals including Dogs,
Cats, Foxes, Rabbits, Squirrels, Deer, Rats, Mice,etc. It has 3 settings to selectively repel those animals that
areunwanted. The product does not affect people, fish or birds.
This product is for use outdoors & is safe foruse in all weather conditions. However, keep unit out ofdirect
sunlight.Requires 4 x D batteries (not supplied). Mains adaptor for saleseparately.
Theproduct includes - The Unit
-Battery box
-Mounting brackets
-Instructions for Use
1Speakers - Emit ultrasonic sound to repel pests.
2PIR Motion Detector - Detects movement in the area beingprotected.
3Function Selector - 3 selections "OFF / CON / M/S".
4Frequency Selector - 3 frequency ranges "H / M / L".
5LED Indicator - LED will light up when the ultrasonic frequency is beingemitted.
6Test Button - Checks the product is functioning correctly.
7DC 12v Jack - Jack for connecting a 12v DC plug from an AC power adaptor (notincluded).
8Battery 6v Jack - Connection point for Battery Box.
-AC Power Adapter Operation
1)Move the Function Selector to the "OFF" position and slide the FrequencySelector to "L" position.
2)Connect AC power adaptor to the jack (DC 12v) located at the rear of theUnit.
3)Switch on the AC power adaptor.
4)Push the Test Button - the LED indicator will light up & a high pitch soundsignal will be heard which designates correct
installation & ready to use.
Function Selector & Frequency Selector
Different combinations of these 2 Selectors can beused.
-Function Selector
"OFF" - Switch off the unit
"CON" - Continuous emission if AC power adaptor isused, intermittent emission (approx. 5 seconds) by PIR motionsensor
ifbattery powered
"M/S" - Intermittent emission (approx. 5 seconds) byPIR motion sensor
-Frequency Selector
"H"- High pitched sound signal approx. 40kHz - Mice, Rats, Squirrels &Rabbits
"M"- Medium pitched sound signal approx. 23kHz - Cats & SmallDogs
"L"- Low pitched sound signal approx. 17kHz - Large Dogs, Foxes, Badgers &Deer
Detection Area for PIR MotionDetector
When targeting small animals such as cats, very smalldogs, rabbits etc place the product between 2-3 ft (0.5 -1metre)
above the ground. The unit should be placed in ahorizontal position - DO NOT angle the product downwards as thisreduces
therange and effectiveness of the product.
Forlarger dogs, foxes etc place the product between 3-5 ft (1 - 1.5 metres) abovethe ground again keeping the unit in a
horizontal position.
Theproduct should be placed where it can be pointed without obstructions to bestcover the area that needs protection.
Anyobstructions such as posts, dense foliage and similar will reduce theeffectiveness of the product and should be avoided.
Alternatively, more than 1 product could be used toafford adequate protection in such circumstances.
Theproduct is supplied with mounting bracket and swivel as well as rear hangingbracket to afford easy placement