Thisunit was designed to transmit ultrasonic waves that are able to be heard by dogsfor up to 50 feet. The ultrasonic sound emitted by this unit gets the dogs'attention and helps coach them towards improved behavior. The sound is irritatedto dogs, and is inaudible to humans. This unit is ideal for repelling dogs,training dogs or for mailmen, speed walkers, joggers and everyone. It can beused as a coaching device. Help control dogs that dig through your trash orflower beds! Coach your dog on what furniture they're not allowed on! Train adog and improve its behavior.
It hasthe following three functions--- training all kinds of dogs such as that areused as pets, in police and for shepherding; expelling ferocious dogseffectively, and also illuminating. It can be used as a torch at usualtime.
Training thedog: press the button "To Train" and hold down the button (see Illustration).The LED will light continuously and the ultrasonic will be transmitted until yourelease the button.
Repelling thedog: When you are confronted with ferocious dogs, please press the button "ToRepel". Aim at the ferocious dogs and hold down the button, ultrasonic will betransmitted intermittently and then the dogwill feel terrified and go away.
Illuminating:Turn the switch to "ON" to open the torch."OFF" to turnoff the flashlight.
Installing thebattery:
- Snapoff the cover to install on (1) 9V battery (battery not included)
- Snapcover back into place.
·Ultrasonicsound output has not shown to be harmful to humans or animals.
·Monitor yourflashlights intensity. If it appears to be weakening, check battery.