A kind of solar energydevice making use of ultrasonic to expel moles
To expel rodents(applicable to such animals as moles and shrews), operated on solar energy
Thank you foryourpurchasing Garden Solar PestRepeller. Transmitting ultrasonic viavibration, Garden Solar PestRepeller is used to affect the acutehearing of underground rodents, with very effective preventive effect. Theultrasonic will deceive them, making them feel endangered, so as to force themaway from the vibrating area. Transmitting ultrasonic every 30 seconds,Garden Solar PestRepeller has an effective range of 650square meters.
GardenSolar Pest Repeller radiates in all directions. During radiation, thereshall be no any obstruction to tamper with the ultrasonic. To achieve the bestperformance, we strongly recommend that 2 devices be installed every 30 metersfor those areas frequented by rodents.
Pest Repeller works on a solar cell, while the other rechargeablecell is charged for nocturnal use. When a cell is fully charged, it can supplypower when light is unable to drive Garden Solar PestRepeller, so as to ensure continuous48-hour operation.
Dimension: 43cm × 15.5cm ×15.5 cm
Weight: 360g
Power supply: solar energycell, or long-effective Ni-Cad cell recharged by solar energy
Frequency: 400Hz –1000Hz
Matters for attention:
The ground shall bechecked when getting out the device, frozen earth, irrigated ground orwaterlogged ground is forbidden. First, dig a hole in solid earth to place thedevice, and the density of earth will greatly affect the effective running ofthe device. A certain error margin shall be reserved according to the density ofthe earth prior to measuring the actually effective range.
No hammer shall be used when installing, no excessiveforce shall be applied, so as to avoid damaging the device.