1.Working Principle:
Adapting themodern Hi-tech method, this product can give out very peculiar ultrasonic wavewhich can irritate the nervous and hearing system of the mice , make themuncomfortable and unpleasant and drive them away. Even some of mice can not beaway temporarily, they have lost their reproduction and violation energy. Thefrequency of the ultrasonic wave can be alternate and changeable, which can notmake the mice have any "adaptability" and "immunity".
Theeffectiveness can be seen promptly when using it, but the best effectivenesswill be seen after using it continuously for 3-4weeks.At the beginning of using it, the mice maybe running about, which indicates that the mice have been irritated and willdisappear soon.
2.Usage andCoverage:
(1).Besideexpelling the mice, it also can have some restraint to the following pests: ant,spider, cricket, bug, flea, moths ,even some mosquitoes, etc.
(2).It can bewidely used in family, warehouse, shop, hotel, hospital, office etc.
(3).Theeffective area can cover around 20-30 sqm.
3.Operation Methods:
(1).Plug thisproduct into AC220V/50Hz socket of the power line, the red LED will be lighting, which indicates the product is working.
( 2)).Theproduct should be used continuously without stopping.
(3).Theeffective area of this product can only be limited in one room, becauseultrasonic wave can not penetrate the walls and will be reflected when the hardobjectives is encountered.
(1).AC220V/50HZpower system must be confirmed before using.
( 2).It shouldbe used indoors. Please keep the product from high temperature andmoisture.
(3).If anyquestions, please contact us or the distributors.
5. TechnicalSpecifications
(1).PowerVoltage: AC220V/50Hz
(2).PowerConsumption: No more than 5w .
(3).Frequency :20KHz-------55KHZ. Interval: 10".