Series SNC-300 smoke detector incorporates well proven sensing technologies, together with advances in materials and electronics technology, and represents the pinnacle of
fire detector performance and reliability.
Series SNC-300 smoke detector has an extra aureola to improve detector identification in an alarm condition, so polished and advanced design allow an alarm to be observed from all angles.
The detector will work with most modern fire
alarm control panels, and meets the requirements of UL 268 and EN 54-7/5.
1) Easy installation and maintenance;
2) Durable sensor head, no need for replacement;
3) Advanced detection and discrimination algorithms;
4) Sleek and professional housing design;
5) Certificated by UL,BSI, CE;
SNC-300-S2 2-Wire Conventional Optical Smoke Detector
SNC-300-SL 2-Wire Optical Smoke Detector with Remote Indicator
SNC-300-C2 2-Wire Combined Optical Smoke and Heat Detector
SNC-300-CL 2-Wire Combined Smoke and Heat Detector with Remote Indicator
SNC-300-SR 4-Wire Optical Smoke Detector with Internal Relay Output Function
SNC-300-CR 4-Wire Combined Smoke and
Heat Detector with Relay Output Function
SNC-300-SP 4-Wire Smoke Detector with External Relay Output Function (One Set)
SNC-300-SB4-Wire Smoke Detector with External Relay Output Function (Double Set)