Measurement of wheel / range finder,Measuring Tools,Rolling Distance Counter/Measuring Wheels --Bazhou Dpair power tools Measuring Equipment,Measuring Wheels,distance measurer wheel
Distance measuring wheels/
range finder is a Expert Quality Measuring Wheel Complete With Carry Bag And Stand Ideal For Builders, Farmers, Road Contractors, Schools, Real Estate Landscaping,Surveying Or Police Accident Investigators, road construction, civil engineering projects,records or prescriptions of traffic accidents,gardening & golf-course layouts, gas &water piping, rail track, lumbering, pipeline and more!!
Measuring Equipment,Measuring Wheels,distance measurer wheel
Feature:--Bazhou Dpair power tools
Precision Engineered To The Highest Quality
Has Switch Facility To Illuminate Readings At Night
Grip easy to handle
Arrow-headed plate instant Zero Facility Lever
Mechanical Counting Head Has A Five Digit Readout
Light Facility For Night Use Or Bad Light Conditions
Has Stand And Folds Away For Easy Storage
Adjustable telescopic aluminum handle to your comfortable level by twisting, pulling up and pushing down
Canvas Carry Bag Supplied
Dimensions:--Bazhou Dpair power tools
Wheel Diameter 318mm(12.5" inch)
Overall Height 950mm
Measures To 9,999.9m
Approx Product Weight 1.5Kg
Carton size:66CM×50CM×48CM/6PCS
Gross Weight:14 kg
Extended Size:1.1m
Storage Size:0.6m
Material:--Bazhou Dpair power tools
Made From Steel And Durable Plastic Parts
tire made of heatproof and durable rubber.
less wobbly wheel as the axle fixed at 2 points in the case.
Suitable For:--Bazhou Dpair
power tools
One Person Operation, Automatically Records Measurements As You Walk
Measuring Equipment,Measuring Wheels,distance measurer wheel