Product name:130cm telescopic microfiber twist mop magic twist mop

Handle: Steel tube with powder coating, 125CM
Plastic parts:PP
Size of carton:128×25×34cm 36pcs
Loading Quantity20':10080pcs

•Ideal forvinyl,tile,smooth concrete and wood,even cleans windows without streaking
•Easy operation keeps your hands free of dirt and water
•Effortless cap for easy storage
•Rippled sponge picks up dirt and debris
•Super absorbent
•Heavy duty riveted wringing mechanism
•Two color to choose
•For indoor or outdoor use
•Easy grip,extendible handle
• Made of high quality,durable material for long life

There are a variety of Cotton Yarnmop designs that can be used as disposable or reusable mops.Mops come with different head design and size to tackle different jobs.PVA mops are found in grocery stores,and other home supplies stores and are an inexpensive but efficient way to mop your floor.