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GO dMax PRO 44

Payment Terms: L/C, T/T

Company Profile

Location: Malaysia
Business Type: Distributor/Wholesaler

Product Description

Go dMax PRO 44
  • • 44 inch inkjet printer for color separation, poster, dye sub and CAD markets
  • • New incorporated Intelligent Interweaving ( I² ) "wave" printing technology
  • • New stand -- extra 10 inch in height for added support and sturdiness
  • • High output speed -- up to 400 ft²/hr in high speed mode
  • • Incorporates new generation "wide model" piezo printhead
  • • Four color drop-on-demand variable dot single printhead with smallest dropsize of 3.5 picoliters
  • • 360, 720, 1440, and 2880 dpi resolutions
  • • Includes a standard motorized take-up system for unattended printing
Screen printers have longed for a printer to be developed specificallyfor their needs. Imagine an inkjet printer which does color separations,posters and a variety of other application and you have the GO dMaxPRO44 Printer.

Developed specifically for the screen print color separation market,GO's dMax PRO 44 printer works perfectly with dMax 4 film, the leadinginkjet color separation film in the market. Additionally, GO's dMax 4pigment ink is revolutionary in that the black ink offers the ability toimage both density for color separations and rich blacks for colorprinting. Coupled with GO’s dMax ink, the printer is usable for bothcolor separations and posters, and the ink does not have to be switched.

GO dMax PRO 44 Printer
Having a size of 44-inches, along with a new “wide model” printheadtechnology configured to output high quality color separations at aspeed unimagined a few years, GO’s dMax PRO 44 printer is perfect forscreen printers. The new printhead incorporates high resolution fourcolor printing into one long lasting printhead. With a capability toimage from 360 dpi up to 2880 dpi with variable drop capabilities, notonly will you have outstanding separations, but poster prints will bevividly imaged using the new Intelligent Interweaving ( I2 ) waveprinting technology which provides increased print speed and virtuallyeliminates banding for exceptional image quality.

With the ability to image both roll and cut sheet films and media, GO’sdMax PRO 44 printer offers other industry leading capabilitiesincludingprint head height adjustments, step adjusts and vacuum fanstrengthadjustments. These capabilities enhance the ability of thedMax PROprinter to image at high quality modes of 720x720 at up to 100sq. feetper hour, along with a 360x360 high speed mode of up to 400sq. feet perhour, the unit is much faster than competitive offerings.

Available as an option with the dMax PRO 44 is Wasatch SoftRIP SP, the market’s leading industrial SoftRIP.

Ideal Applications
GO's dMax PRO 44 printer can be used forapplications such as CAD, dyesublimation or any other aqueous applications. In addition, GO’s dMaxPRO can be used with an inkjet film positives for silk-screen processprinting, to produce a great variety of surface applications such asplastics, wood, metal, glass, textiles, paper and board can be used andprinted in one pass, if necessary. The most common applications forcommercial screen-printing are posters, stickers, signs, banners,t-shirts, ring binders, mouse pads, promotional items and exhibitiondisplays.

Product NamedMax PRO 44 Printer
Size44 inches / 1.08 meters
Media Width44 inches
Printing Width44 inches
Nozzle ConfigurationFour colors (360 nozzle per head) in one printhead
Print Quality Resolution360 dpi to 2880 dpi
Print Speed Maximum400 ft2/hr
Ink DetailsGO dMax 4 HD and HS Inks
Paper Gap (Low/High)1.3mm / 2.1mm
Distance Accuracy0.10%
InterfacesUSB 2.0 & Ethernet 10 / 100
Memory256 Mb
EmulationsHP-GL, HP-GL2 & RTL-Pass
Noise Level< 53 dB
Width x Depth x Height69 x 26 x 48 inches
Maximum Weight172 Ibs
Product Warranty1 Year
Price: $2750.00
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