1.This apply to recycle different PET beverage bottle,pure water bottle etc.
2.It is composed by belt conveeyor,label separator,crusher,hot washer,friction washer,centrifuge dewatering machine,
pipe line dryer etc.
3.According to client requirement,this line could also equip pre-washer,bale opener,metal detector and so on.
4.People can easily get clean
PET flakes from wasted bottle.
Recycling knowledge:
Plastics account for almost 10 percent by weight of the content of municipal garbage. Plastic containers and other household products are increasingly recycled, and, like paper, these must be sorted at the source before processing. Various thermoplastics may be remelted and reformed into new products.
Thermoplastics must be sorted by type before they can be remelted. Thermosetting plastics such aspolyurethane and epoxy resins, by contrast, cannot be remelted; these are usually ground or shredded for use as fillers or insulating materials. So-called biodegradable plastics include starches that degrade upon exposure to sunlight (photodegradation), but a fine
plastic residue remains, and the degradable additives preclude recycling of these products.