Passive ring network protection and traditional blocking structure is the main difference between the system flexibility and strength sufficient to absorb and disperse transfer expected rockfall impact kinetic energy, i.e., from the idea to change the traditional rigid or low intensity and low flexible structure for high strength flexible structure to realize the system of effective protection function
Composition:Steel wire rope, a fixed system, the pressure ring, steel column
Specification:RX-025\RX-050\RX-075 RXI-025\RXI-050\RXI-075\RXI-100\RXI-150\RXI-200
Features:Intercept rockfall protection energy is generally150kj--2000kj,Installation is simple, short construction period
Applications:Applicable to the construction of facilities near the buffer zone of lofty mountains and steep hills, the avalanche, slungshot, avalanche, debris flow interception in building facilities, avoid disaster on construction destruction.
Contact:Rachel Ren
Anping County Jinhao Wire Mesh Co.,Ltd