product name:
Massager patches Ion detox foot spa
1.Ionic toxins removal
2.Far-infrared ray belt
3.Remote control and digital readouts
4.high quality,fast delivery
Thelatest studies have shown that bamboo charcoal made from 5 year oldbamboo from remote mountains, refined through high temperature have agreat absorption effect to purify the air or water and adjust humidity.The bamboo charcoal also emits far infrared rays, negative ions andabsorbs electromagnetic waves. The waist belt made of bamboo charcoalcan warm your body, relieve muscle aching, increase the cellsactivities, and accelerate the blood circulation.
Detoxinvolves soaking an individual's feet in a salt bath through which anelectrical current is passed. The water turns brown as current isapplied; the device is typically promoted with the claim that the browndiscoloration represents "toxins" extracted from the body. The device ismarketed under a wide variety of names.
Detoxsystem produces positive and negative ions, that "resonate through thebody and stimulates the cells within it", claiming that this'rebalances' cellular energy, allowing efficient performance andexcretion of toxins that have accumulated within the tissues and that 20– 35 minutes of usage every second or third day causes toxins fromthroughout the body to be excreted
Itis an external detoxification method, which removes toxins through yourfeet. The body detoxifies while you are comfortably seated with y ourfeet placed in a container of warm water. This is a very efficient wayto remove toxic accumulations regardless of where they are located inthe body.
Theion-cleanse process generates a stream of positive and negative ions(charged atoms), which attract and attach themselves to oppositelycharged toxic particles and draws them out of the body through the skin.Each session takes about 30 minutes.
Thearray goes into the water with the hands, feet, or body, and the powersupply delivers a small amount of direct current into the array, whichcauses the metals within it, in combination with the water, and salt, togenerate positively and negatively charged ions

Massager patches Ion detox foot spa