product name:
portable breast care detector
1)own factory (welcome OEM)
2)quick , accrate report
Breast awareness
Most women look out for changes in their bresats both by felling for lumps and looking at them carefully. It is something that is an important part of taking care of your body. Indeed , docotors recommend that woment make an effort to know how their breasts look and feel normally. This is often called "breast awareness". Most women know that they should check for lumps that are out of the ordinary. However there are other changes to your bresats that you should look out for as well.
These include:
A change in the size or shape of your breast
A change in the skin – particularly dimpling or puckering
A change in the appearance of the nipple or a discharge from the inpple
Breast pain that does not go away after a period
Lumpy areas or thickening of the breast tissue
If you notice any changes you should ask your doctor about them as soon as possible. They may well be harmless but your doctor will be able to resssure you.
Most new lumps or other breast changes are not serious and can be easily trested if necessary. Should they prove to be cancer then there is a very good chance of successful treatment.
And the earlier any problems are found, the better the chances. That is why it is improtant to be "breast aware" and to be on the look out for any changes.
portable breast care detector