1). High speed and efficient.
2). ISO9001:2000
Material handling process in AAC Line:
1.First the
loader loads sand material into "material hopper", the sand through belt conveyor enter into "ball mill machine" to crush into powder slurry. In the crushing process,water will be added into ball mill machine in the same time, so finally ball mill machine will produce sand slurry.
2. Sand slurry out of ball mill machine enters into concrete pit, slurry will be sent into two "slurry store mixer" through slurry pump.
3.When we need slurry to batch, the slurry released from "slurry store stirrer" and enter into slurry pit which under the "slurry store stirrer". There is another sand slurry will enter into " slurry measure scale" through slurry pump. In the same time, the lime, cement, gypsum, will be added into lime cement gypsum scale automatically one by one.
After measuring sand, lime,
cement, gypsum, they will be added into "slurry pouring mixer " automatically, in the same time, the aluminum will be add into "slurry pouring mixer "by manual after manual scale measure.
When all material mixing in the "slurry store stirrer, after 4-6 minutes mixing, all material will be pour into Mold box.
Except that aluminum powder will be added by manual, the whole batching process is operated automatically.
4. After slurry is pour into mold box,frequency conversion pouring ferry car will take the mold into curing room area automatically, all the mold box will be add into curing room to cure automatically.