Shaking table which isalso called table concentrator, is a mine separation device for fine mineralsworking by gravity. They are effective in processing precious and base metal,rare metal and non-metallic minerals, widely used in separation of Gold, Silver,Tin, Columbium, Tantalum, Titanium, Barium, Tungsten, Iron, Chrome, Manganese,Zircon, Lead, Zinc, Mercury, Copper, Aluminum, etc.
Put the raw materials into the feeding launder, and putsome water in to make it into slurry of concentration of 20% to 25%, and gravityflow to the deck. The particle group become loose and layered because of therinsing of water and shaking of the deck in the bed ditch. After the layered,the upper particle and the bottom particle move in different direction becauseof the different pressure of flowing water and the friction of the bed surface.The upper light particle moves downward along the transverse of bed surfaceresult of the stronger flowing water., this side called tailing side. The heavymineral particles which located in the bottom of bed layer was influenced bydifferential movement of bed surface, thus them move to the opposite of thedrive end, and we call this point concentrate side. Because of the differentdensity, granularity, and the directions of movement, the groups of mineralparticles spread in Fan-shaped along the diagonal of the feeding launder. Theproduction discharge along the edge of bed surface, the discharge line is solong, so that shaking table could produce many kinds of different qualityproduct precisely.
The prominent advantage of shaking table is precise separation. We can get some final concentrates,final tailings and 1 or 2 kinds of middling products after first separatingfrom the feeding mineral. The enrichment ratio of concentrate is very good, whendealing with low grade tungsten ore and tin ore, the enrichment ratio couldreach about 300 times. Besides, the range of effective separating particle sizeof shaking table is 2 to 0.02 mm.