E14 Color Temperature 2700K energy saving lampcfl
Product NO | Lamp tube | Base | Rated Power W | Rated Current | Power factor | Color Temperature K | CRI | Height mm | Width mm | Luminous flux Lm | lifespan |
mA | H |
T3 MFS E14 7W | Ф9×D32×3T | E14 | 7 | 60 | >0.55 | 2700 | >80 | 97 | 38 | 350 | 6000 |
T3 MFS E14 9W | Ф9×D32×3.5T | E14 | 9 | 80 | >0.55 | 2700 | >80 | 102 | 38 | 460 | 6000 |
T3 MFS E14 11W | Ф7×D30×4T | E14 | 11 | 95 | >0.55 | 2700 | >80 | 106 | 38 | 550 | 6000 |
T3 MFS E14 13W | Ф7×D30×4.5T | E14 | 13 | 115 | >0.55 | 2700 | >80 | 115 | 38 | 620 | 6000 |
1. Recessed lighting, shelf lighting, ceiling/wall coves
2. Cabinet and under counter lighting, office work station
3. Back lighting, step lighting, light boxes
4. Merchandising, exhibition stands, and panels .
E14 Color Temperature 2700K energy saving lampcfl
E14 Color Temperature 2700K energy saving lampcfl
E14 Color Temperature 2700K energy saving lampcfl
E14 Color Temperature 2700K energy saving lampcfl