The OS Seriespassive optical splitter is available in either a single/dual wavelength (fused bi-conical taper type) or multi-wavelength (planar light wave type).
Both types of splitters are available in various splits and can be manufactured in a box or rack mount housing.
The optical splitter is applicable for use in any type of passive
optical network (EPON, GPON, BPON, FTTx or FTTH)
- Supports Multiple Wavelengths
- Equal Signal Ratio
- Low Signal Loss
- Low Polarization Sensibility Loss
Part Numbers
OS-21x: Passive Fused Coupler Optical Splitter, Dual Wavelength (1310, 1490), x-Way Splitter, SC/APC Adapter
OS-31x: Passive Fused Coupler
Optical Splitter, Multiple Wavelength (1310, 1490, 1550), x-Way Splitter, SC/APC Adapter