Agilent/HP 8924E with 83236B CDMA Mobile Station Test Set
No Cables are included.
TheAgilent Technologies 8924E CDMA mobile station test set provides thekey set of measurements to verify the performance of dual-mode CDMAmobile phones operating from 500 to 1000 MHz. With the AgilentTechnologies 83236B PCS Interface, the 8924E addition- ally offers CDMAmobile testing from 1700 to 2000 MHz. Acting as a calibrated, highperformance CDMA base station, the 8924E verifies not only theparametric characteristics of CDMA phones, but also the functionalaspects of phone performance.
The 8924E's full AMPS, NAMPS, EAMPS,TACS, NTACS, ETACS and JTACS test capability saves you space, cost, andtraining expenses by allowing you to make both analog and CDMA digitalmeasurements with the same instrument.
Agilent-HP 83236B OFFLINE PCS Interface