puffed rice machine
Thismachine comes from very famous puffing factory, it is the up to dayadvanced simple rice and corn puffing machine. It match 220V electricityand easy to use at home.It feeds on material of rice and corn gritand produces delicious and crisp snack food. It is suitable forhousehold purpose or for small plants to produce snack food for sale atmarket.
Itproduce final puffed food in three shapes, including: hollow bar,peanut, and solid bar.Additionally, if with other moulds, it can produceout shapes in mun beans, rectangular etc.
Puffingmachines of this series have been popular in market for almost 20years. Quality reliable, and little investment. The snack food itproduces are enjoyable for people at all ages.
Finalrice or corn puffed produce can be flavored by way of adding food safeadditive, such as Sodium cyclamate, salt, spice, or others.