The standard current transformer used to verify the 0.01 level the following current transformer.
The standard current transformer is a winding, secondary windings.
Users can specify criteria on the nameplate current ratio for verification.
Can be 5 / 5 or 1 / 1 current ratio from the school.
The instrument with castors for easy transportation.
Temperature: -5 ℃ ~ +40 ℃
Capacity: 5VA
Power Factor: COSφ = 0.8, 1.0
Rated current to allow long-term work, 150A over mandrel
Standard current ratio: 0.1A ~ 20000A/5A, 1A
Primary current: 0.1A ~ 20000A
Secondary current: 5A or 1A, it can be two-transformation ratio 1A and 5A