SNEKE ecological wood square- series of various specifications, wide range of application. It can applied in exterior decoration, landscape fence, sunshade, grille, indoor smallpox condole and various and flowers and metope adornment, etc according to the design requirements. Constructs fang mu with its lively line feeling reflects stylist wants to various styles of installation, constructs fang mu series can replace the wood and part of metal materials, effectively save the construction cost. SENKW ecological wood multi-function batten series: keep log aesthetic appearance, good heat insulation performance and low pervious to light quality, and its relative to the aluminum alloy sun-shading system price advantage, make its application in all kinds of top-grade district and villas. it has widespread use in sun-shading system of buildings application. 1, multi-function batten concise adornment to build more agreeable sunshade space. 2, with multi-function combination of grid smallpox sticks flexible listed with Oriental flavor. 3 and multi-function batten rich applied, can be applied to various buildings, add architectural style unity and beautification