low cost cut grass boat
water grass cutting boat with low cost
1.grass cutting boat is full automatic surface cleaning
2.work stably under continous
Grass cutting boat
1. Grass cutting ship is a kind of twin-hull boat. There are characteristics of small size, shallow draft, beautiful shape and simple operation. Grass cutting ship is widely applied on course of river reservior and city lake daily clean. It could be used to clean various floating garbage, water grass and duckweed.
2. There is a grass cutter install in the front of feeding belt, in order to prevent water grass growing and improve ambient water quality.
3. The ship automatic operated to collect garbage, and transported garbage to the stainer-type garbage box which is at the end of conveyor belt.
-full automatic surface clenaing ship is suitable in river and lakers.easily control and operate,and can work stably under continous operation
-ths ship propulsion systerm is used elevation twin screw,it can clean debric in the propeller tively and rapid
-wide gathering range can clean large volume floating trash and small volume floating trash in tables.
-stainless steel structure with good filtration effects and long duration
Note:all of our products are designed accordance with environmental conditions and customer requirement set. Above data is only for reference