Copper casting in modern technology developing plays a huge potential role, whether aerospacecraft into space, or intelligent robot into the deep sea; Also both computer device update at a tremendous pace, or engineering science and technology rapid development, is inseparable from the high quality castings use and support. Most copper casting alloy (copper casting 4) can heat treatment strengthening, but in casting state use. But there are also a few copper casting alloy after heat treatment use, such as beryllium bronze, chromium bronze, silicon bronze and some high copper alloy is heat treatment strengthen alloy. In addition, ω (Al) was 9.4% of the aluminum bronze, after proper heat treatment can to a certain extent, improve the mechanical properties, especially the corrosion resistant performance. Copper casting alloy heat treatment according to the application can be divided into: 1. Stress relieving aims to eliminate casting and repair welding form internal stress. 2. Strengthening heat treatment including solid solution treatment and aging treatment, aims to improve the physical properties of the alloy, the mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. 3. Eliminate the flaw in casting heat treatment casting bronze when heated to 400-500 ℃, α interdendritic delta phase diffusion into α phase, cause alloy volume expansion, thus jam tin bronze of the microscopic shrinkage cavity, improve its pressure resistance.