NSK FAGIKO SKF Angular Contact Ball Bearings
1 Angular Contact Ball Bearings
2 low price
3high quality
4 good service
Angular Contact Ball Bearings with contactangles of 15° (Symbol C) and 25° (Symbol A5) are primarily for high precision orhigh speed applications, and machined brass or synthetic resin cages or moldedpolyamide cages are used.
The maximum operating temperature of moldedpolyamide cages is 120°C.
This isbasically a back-to-back mounting of two single-row angular contact ballbearings, but their inner and outer rings are each integrated into one. Axialloads in both directions can be sustained, and the capacity to sustain momentsis good. This type is used as fixed-end bearings. Their cages are pressedsteel.
The inner ring issplit radially into two pieces. Their design allows one bearing to sustainsignificant axial loads in either direction. The contact angle is 35°, so theaxial load capacity is high. This type is suitable for carrying pure axial loadsor combined loads where the axial loads are high. The cages are made of machinedbrass.
Angularcontact ball bearings features:
1) Load capacities are higher than deep groove ball bearings of samedimensions
2) Used for bearing radial-axial combined loads or pure thrustloads
3) Low operating friction and high limiting speed
4. Types:
1). Single row angular contact ball bearings
2). Double row angularcontact ball bearings
3). Four-point contact ball bearings
Applications :
Angular contactball bearing are widely used in Aircraft, construction, agriculture, machinetool, automotive applications and general industry.