The harmfuleffects of particulate and moisture contamination in hydraulic and lubricationoils have been well documented. By maintaining absolute fluid cleanliness,end-users can dramatically increase the life of critical wear components onrotational equipment, minimizing downtime and maximizingprofitability.
Flow RatesRange From 3 GPM to 100 GPM or Higher
WaterRemoval – Achieve Overall Water Content As Low As 20 PPM In Multi-PassBy Removing Free, Emulsified, and Dissolved Water
Particulate Removal – AchieveParticle Counts As Low As ISO 14/12/9 With High Efficiency Pleated MicroglassFilter Elements Rated Beta(c)>1000 per ISO 16889
Entrained Air and Gas Removal– Degassing via Vacuum Distillation
AcidRemoval – Can Be Equipped With Fullers Earth or Activated AluminaCartridges To Neutralize Acid and Lower TAN
Varnish Removal – Can BeEquipped With Ion Charged Bonding Cartridges To Remove InsolubleVarnish