Siemens took the experience of 190,000 Milltronics Probe applications and used it to build a stronger, more versatile ultrasonic level measurement tool. Siemens SITRANS Probe LU is a two-wire, loop-powered unit that includes automatic false-echo suppression, Milltronics' patented Sonic Intelligence echo processing, and a variety of digital communications and programming options into a single unit. The Probe LU is ideal for level monitoring in the water and wastewater industry and chemical storage vessels, and can reliably monitor level, volume, and flow of liquids in open channels, storage vessels, and process vessels.
The transducer on the Probe LU is available as ETFE or PVDF to suit the chemical conditions of your application. For applications with varying material and process temperatures, the Probe LU incorporates an internal temperature sensor to compensate for temperature changes. The Probe LU offers two communications options: HART® or PROFIBUS PA (Profile v3.0, Class B).