Product Introduction:
Magnetic sweepers are designed for very easy & smooth working and can also beoperated by ladies. They are light in weight, highly maneuverable and operate atnormal walking speed. They are available in different sweeping widths and indifferent models.
It can be moved on shop floor smoothly due to high qualityrubber wheels provided on it. All models feature strong permanent magnetism,quality construction and operate on paved or unpavedsurfaces.
Magnetic Sweepers can be used to collect ferrous particles viz. iron chips, nails, pins, screws, nuts,bolts and other ferrous scrap from shop floor as well as from scrap yard. It canbe used at factory aisles, machine shop, drive way airports, parking lots or anyflat surface. It helps in clearing important traffic area from dangerous ironscrap on floor, avoiding personal injury.
We offer:
Heavy Duty with Release:
48" long sturdy handle
Quick releasehandle
6" dia. Rubber wheels
Regular Magnetic Floor Sweeper
Light aluminum housing
Durable rubber wheels
Easy to operate over terrain
Magnetic Sweeper with Release
40"handle retracts to 27".
Simply slide of the handle to quickly
release collected scrap material.
Adjustable sweeping height 3/4"to 1 1/2".
Releases handle for easy removal of debris.
Adjustable handle extends from 25"to 40"
Rubber wheels.