X-431 GDS is a new generation of state-of-the-art integrated diagnose product with a colorful LCD developed by LAUNCH. It provides an optional function of "Oscillator"; it not only can quickly capture the circuit signal, but can slowly display the waveform, in addition, it can record and store the tested signal waveform.
Generally, electrical signals can be compared and examined based on 5 parameter indexes: amplitude (the maximum voltage of signal), frequency (the cycle period of signal), shape (the form of signal), pulse width (the duty cycle or time interval of signal) and array (the repetition characteristics of signal), which can be tested, displayed and stored by the Scopebox. Analyzing waveform can further detect a variety of faults on sensors, actuators, circuit, and electronic control units, etc.
Scopebox can be connected to X-431 GDS main unit via USB data cable. The customers
can choose the products according to their own requirement.
Fast capture the circuit signal.
Display waveform slowly for observe and analysis.
Record and store the tested signal waveform convenient for failure analysis.
Detect, display and store all the electrical signal of amplitude, frequency, shape, pulse width, array five parameters.
Specification Scopebox:
4 channels, highest sampling frequency 150MHZ, max storage depth 64MSa, 8-bit resolution