OEMFinishing Pen/Crate E-171
Length: 3600mm
Width: 2200mm
Height: 1000mm
Material:cast iron/plastic/stainless steel
Features: 1 unbeatable comfort
2 unrivalled hygiedce
3 unmatched longevity
4 10years warranty
5 competive price and service
The animalcage is manufactured from galvanized material. Both halves of the crate can beopened to the side and can even be lifted up. Both the length and the width ofthe crate can be adjusted according to the corporeal size of the sow. A highcapacity stainless steel tipping trough is fixed to the crate. Specialprotecting bars lower the risk of the piglets being overlaid.
It ismanufactured from galvanized material. One half of the crate can be opened tothe side, the other is fixed, even in its rear part. This increases its strengthin full-slatted stables. Both the length and the width of the crate can beadjusted according to the corporeal size of the sow. There is a plastic troughintegrated with the crate; a cleaning opening for the trough is availabletoo.